
Laser Acne Scar Removal

Laser acne scar removal is a medical procedure that uses focused laser energy to reduce the appearance of acne scars by stimulating collagen production and resurfacing the skin's texture.

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Improves Discoloration and Redness

Skin Tightening

Collagen Stimulation

Skin Rejuvenation

What is Laser Acne Scar Removal?

As we grow, we realize that our facial appearance has an enormous effect on our self-esteem. Acne scars are an issue that can impact your ability to feel confident. At Kind Health Group, our skilled staff offers laser acne scar removal services. This effective technique aims to shrink the size of scars caused by facial acne and enhance your skin. Acne scar treatment can also be used on other parts of the body, including the back and torso. During a brief appointment, we will evaluate the starting condition of the treatment area to determine how much you will benefit from this procedure. We encourage you to reach out to our team in Encinitas, CA, for a consultation today.

Who is a candidate for Laser Acne Scar Removal?

Patients in many age groups can be affected by unwanted acne scars. Encinitas, CA individuals who have acne scars may also have excess blemishes that appear on different areas of the body. Laser acne scar removal treatment is an ideal choice for individuals who have tried other options to try to diminish the appearance of scars, including topical creams and ointments. Our team provides the newest laser treatments that usually work great on most skin complexions. Throughout your first visit, our skin care professionals will thoroughly examine your skin and acne scars to determine if you are a good candidate for this scar removal treatment.

How is Laser Acne Scar Removal Performed?

Your provider will start by sanitizing your face. If necessary, patients will wear safety glasses to guard their eyes. During the short session, your provider will guide the laser over the top of the acne scars, thereby removing the top, most scarred layer of skin. The laser provides heat and light that stimulates the development of new skin and allows increased blood flow to the area. You could encounter some discomfort during the session; however, many people describe it as a mild sensation. Laser acne scar removal treatment helps revive your skin, enabling you to attain a gorgeous appearance.

What can I expect after Laser Acne Scar Removal?

Prior to your laser acne scar removal treatment, you will need to follow guidelines provided by our team at Kind Health Group. Afterward, patients may experience additional redness and mild skin tenderness. Based on the area treated, we may suggest avoiding the use of personal skin care products for a given period of time and using a specifically prescribed toner or moisturizer. Additionally, you should avoid any extensive exposure to the sun. Individuals will typically observe results after a week. Our team can determine how many appointments you require based on the severity of your acne scars.

Meet our PA-C

Kellye Vogel is a Board-Certified Physician Assistant specializing in Dermatology and Laser Therapy.

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