Cosmetic mole or skin tag removal eliminates skin growths that are uncomfortable or located in plain sight, requiring a more meticulous procedure to decrease the likelihood of scarring. Kind Health Group in Encinitas, CA, is trained to excise unattractive moles and skin tags. During your consultation, the mole or skin tag's location, size, and depth will be considered to determine how best to proceed with treatment. In addition, the lesion will be assessed to decide whether or not it is malignant or benign so it can be safely removed. Schedule a consultation for an examination of your mole or lesion and learn more about your treatment options.
Under most circumstances, moles and skin tags are no cause for concern, but at times they might irritate your skin, lower confidence, and cause unnecessary worry. Ideal candidates:
Factors including the size, depth, and location of the mole or skin tag will be considered to choose the best technique for removal. Lesions that are only skin deep or flush with the skin’s surface may qualify for laser removal or a simple skin shaving technique. Lesions and moles that have grown from deeper within may require excision, a minor surgical procedure. We will numb the area with local anesthesia during an excision, cut away the mole or skin tag, and then carefully sew the wound back together for maximal results and minimal scarring.
Mole and skin tag removal usually takes only moments to complete but yields positive results. The procedures are commonly done in our Encinitas, CA office in about an hour using local anesthesia. An excision with sutures may cause minor discomfort for a couple of days following the procedure. Complete recovery after this procedure can be expected in approximately two weeks, but this might depend on the size and location of the skin tag or mole and the technique used. Healing can be sped up by carefully following aftercare directions after the removal.
Though moles and skin tags might not be a medical problem, they are often undesired. Learn more about lesion and mole removal at Kind Health Group to eliminate unattractive skin growths from your body and face. In addition, having a specialist check out your mole will help ease your concern regarding any possible medical conditions. Arrange a consultation at our Encinitas, CA office to have your mole or skin tag assessed by our team.
Kellye Vogel is a Board-Certified Physician Assistant specializing in Dermatology and Laser Therapy.