
MonaLisa Touch

MonaLisa Touch is a non-invasive laser treatment designed to improve vaginal health by addressing issues such as vaginal dryness, discomfort, and enhanced sexual satisfaction.

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Improved Vaginal Health

Enhanced Sexual Comfort



A Life Changing Treatment

If you’ve experienced vaginal dryness, itching, painful sexual intercourse or urination, the MonaLisa Touch can alleviate your symptoms without causing pain or inconvenient side effects. In use since 2008 and FDA Approved in 2014, MonaLisa Touch has been described as “life-changing” by thousands of women. In clinical trials, women reported relief from symptoms after the very first treatment and even greater improvement after treatments 2 and 3. With No Downtime, Long Lasting Relief and Natural Function Restoration, there is no reason not to learn more.

What are the benefits of MonaLisa Touch?

 Issues like pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause change a woman’s overall vaginal health and wellness. For example, many post-menopausal women suffer from some degree of tissue atrophy, which causes thinning and inflammation in the vaginal walls. They may experience pain or a decrease in sexual satisfaction as a result. Patients choose laser vaginal restoration at Kind Health Group because our team knows how to improve their quality of life without resorting to invasive cosmetic surgery.

Don't Suffer Menopausal Change in Silence

IS PAINFUL INTERCOURSE A PROBLEM IN YOUR LIFE, DO YOU LAUGH OR SNEEZE AND UNEXPECTEDLY HAVE TO URINATE? The MonaLisa Touch which is used for Vaginal Restoration could be the right solution for you! It reverses peri- and post-menopausal symptoms of vaginal dryness, painful sex or urinary incontinence or discomfort. If painful intercourse is problem in your life, MonaLisa Touch is a solution. If you often cough, laugh, sneeze and unexpectedly have to urinate, then MonaLisa Touch is for you. If you wake up in the middle of night having to urinate, MonaLisa Touch can also help. MonaLisa Touch laser treatment is a simple, painless, in-office procedure that takes less than 5 minutes. It delivers both immediate and lasting relief without anesthesia or downtime and minimal side effects. MonaLisa Touch delivers gentle laser energy to the vaginal wall tissue that stimulates a healing response in the vaginal canal. A typical course of treatment is three procedures over 18 weeks.

MonaLisa Touch is Fast, Effective, Painless, and Hormone Free

MonaLisa Touch is a gentle laser that delivers energy to the vaginal wall tissue, stimulating a healing response in the vaginal canal in 3 easy, painless treatments 6 weeks apart. MonaLisa Touch allows treatment of vaginal atrophy and post-menopausal symptoms without hormone replacement therapy. The laser energy generates new collagen, elastin and vascularization in the tissue and enhanced moisture levels in the vaginal canal. Each treatment takes less than 5 minutes and delivers both immediate and lasting relief, clinically proven to work.


How much does MonaLisa Touch cost?

The cost of your vaginal restoration will depend on your condition and the number of treatments needed to attain optimal outcomes. Kind Health Group accepts many payments and often offers discounts on multi-treatment packages.

Does MonaLisa Touch work?

Many of our patients have experienced fabulous results with laser vaginal restoration. Not only can it improve vaginal laxity, but it can aid in dryness and help improve sexual satisfaction. 

What is the recovery like?

Since this is a nonsurgical procedure, there is no downtime associated with this laser. However, we do recommend refraining from using tampons and sexual intercourse for several days or until cleared by our office. 

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